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Arm Lift in Phoenix, AZ

Aging, weight fluctuations, and genetics cause the upper arm to sag and become flabby; however, these issues can be treated. An arm lift, also known as brachioplasty, removes excess skin and fat to result in a tighter, slimmer, and more contoured upper arm. Enhance your confidence by restoring the youthful appearance of your arms.

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What Arm Lift in Phoenix, AZ Surgery Can Achieve

Young woman with her arm raised

Arm Lift in Phoenix, AZ Options


Liposuction is commonly performed during arm lift surgery to produce refined contours and pinpoint localized pockets of fat. This technique results in beautifully sculpted arms.

Limited-Incision Arm Lift

Patients with sagging upper arm skin close to the underarm may be candidates for this technique. A small incision is created in the armpit, through which the skin is tightened. Excess skin is then removed.

Standard Arm Lift

An incision is placed from the underarm down the inside of the upper arm to remove excess tissue and tighten the remaining skin. Patients with moderate-to-severe sagging skin can benefit from this technique.


Arm lift surgery can be performed alone to enhance the appearance of the upper body and help you achieve confidence. To further sculpt the upper body, arm lift surgery can be combined with a breast procedure (breast augmentation, lift, or reduction), liposuction of the back or abdomen, or abdominoplasty. No matter the procedure or combination of procedures, we aim to provide you with natural and balanced results.



You can expect bruising and swelling after your arm lift. A compression garment is provided to minimize swelling, reduce scarring, and help with healing. Depending on the nature of their job, most patients return to work within five to seven days but should refrain from exercising or lifting anything above the head for three to four weeks. Pain medication can help manage discomfort. Dr. Boll will provide aftercare directions that detail the recovery protocol for your procedure.


The incision for an arm lift is typically made on the inner arm, stretching from the armpit to the elbow. This incision heals well but will result in a scar. However, scars are hidden under the arm and will fade with time.


Several factors contribute to the cost of your arm lift, and your final expense will vary depending on the surgical techniques used, surgical fees, facility fees, and anesthetic fees. Dr. Boll and her staff will provide you with an accurate cost estimate during your consultation. We offer financing and prepayment options at our office.


Arm lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia to prevent any pain. Following the surgery, you may experience some discomfort, but this can be remedied with prescribed pain medication. Generally, this medication is only required for a few days.

"Dr. Boll is a phenomenal doctor!

She goes above and beyond for her patients. She is a perfectionist, which is exactly what you want when looking for a plastic surgeon. I’ve been going to her for 5+ years now and highly recommend Dr. Boll. I have had several treatments and a breast augmentation."
before arm lift surgery after arm lift surgery
before arm lift surgery patient 2 after arm lift surgery patient 2

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a candidate for arm lift surgery?

Candidates for arm lift surgery are physically healthy, non-smoking individuals who experience discomfort and dissatisfaction with the appearance of their upper arms. Whether the cause of these insecurities is aging, weight loss, or genetics, individuals can benefit from arm lift surgery as long as they have realistic expectations of their results.

What are the possible risks and complications associated with this procedure?

Complications are rare with arm lift surgery. While not common, possible risks include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Poor wound healing
  • Changes in skin sensation
  • Anesthesia risks

Will liposuction of the arms provide the same results as an arm lift?

While performing liposuction of the arms can address fatty deposits and reduce the circumference of the arm, liposuction cannot remove or tighten skin. If excess or sagging skin is present, then performing liposuction without an arm lift may only accentuate the appearance of loose skin.

Will my results be long lasting?

Arm lift surgery is long lasting when paired with a healthy lifestyle. A nutritious diet and regular exercise will maintain your arm lift results for years to come. As with any procedure, arm lift surgery will not prevent future aging from occurring, but you will experience tone and tightness for many years.