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Neck Lift (Platysmaplasty) in Phoenix, AZ

The face and neck are the places where cosmetic concerns are most visible. While many women and men are diligent about facial skin care, the neck is often forgotten, even though it ages at the same rate — if not faster — than the facial tissues. Neck lift surgery can address signs of aging or other cosmetic concerns on the neck that can impact your overall appearance. Dr. Boll offers neck lift surgery and neck liposuction to patients interested in restoring tight, youthful contours to their neck and jawline.

Schedule a Consultation

What Is Platysmaplasty Used For?

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How Is a Neck Lift Done?

The first step with any facial plastic surgery is your consultation. During your neck lift consultation, Dr. Boll will evaluate your physical condition and ensure that neck lift surgery will provide the results you desire. She will listen to your aesthetic goals and devise a treatment plan to help you look your best. At the end of your consultation, Dr. Boll will answer any questions you have about the procedure and provide a personalized price estimate.

Neck lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia.

Incisions for your neck lift may be made behind your ears and down into your sideburns. If you want significant amounts of fat removed from your chin, a small incision may be made under your jaw.

Once the incisions are made, Dr. Boll suctions away unwanted fat and tightens loose skin and muscles. She then secures your new neck contours in place. Excess skin is trimmed away, leaving a tight and firm neck contour. Incisions are sealed with stitches.

Neck lift surgery is commonly combined with neck liposuction and facelift surgery. It may also be combined easily with brow lift surgery or eyelid lift surgery.

What to Expect After Neck Surgery


How Long Does Neck Lift Recovery Take?

It may take two to three weeks before you can return to work after your neck contouring procedure. You should be able to resume vigorous exercise and heavy lifting within four to six weeks.

How Should I Sleep After Platysmaplasty?

You should sleep with your neck lifted above your chest for at least a week after your operation. This will help prevent swelling, bruising, and other unwanted side effects.


Does Platysmaplasty Leave Scars?

As with any plastic surgery, some degree of scarring is unavoidable. Dr. Boll does her best to place incisions in discreet locations, so your scars are difficult to see.


When Will I See My Neck Lift Results?

You should see initial results in four to six weeks as swelling and bruising fade. The final results of your neck contouring procedure may take three to six months to fully develop.

Dr. Boll, you have changed my life!

Thank you! You have a gift. My spirits have been lifted because of your talent. I want to also thank your staff for their kindness and professionalism. You have created a very welcoming office."
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Frequently Asked Questions About Neck Lift Surgery

How much will my neck lift cost in Phoenix?

The cost of your neck lift will vary depending on the amount of correction required, the technique used, and other factors. Many patients combine their neck lift with other procedures, which can increase the cost.

Dr. Boll will provide you with a personalized neck lift cost following your consultation. She also offers cosmetic procedure financing plans to help patients afford the cosmetic surgery they desire.

Am I a candidate for neck lift surgery?

Candidates for neck lift surgery are interested in tightening their loose skin (including jowls), removing unwanted neck fat, or treating muscle banding in the neck. Ideal candidates will be in good health and not be on blood-thinning medications. Patients should have realistic expectations of their results.

How can I prepare for my neck lift?

You should begin to adjust your use of certain medications a few weeks before your operation. Consult with Dr. Boll and a pharmacist to determine which medications and supplements you should stop or reduce taking. Stop smoking six weeks before your surgery. Do not drink alcohol one to two weeks before your operation.

What should I do during my neck lift recovery?

During the first week of your recovery, you should keep your neck straight as much as possible to speed the healing process. You will be wearing a compression strap for 2 weeks after surgery. If you must move your neck, use gentle slow motions to avoid placing strain on your incisions.

Try to avoid clothing that you need to pull over your head, especially in the first two weeks of your recovery. Do not use ice to treat swelling in the neck, as this can result in complications.

Does neck lift surgery hurt?

Neck lift surgery is performed using anesthesia; therefore, you should not experience pain during the operation. Most patients report mild to moderate discomfort during their recovery. These symptoms can usually be managed with over-the-counter or prescription medications.

Are there risks or side effects from platysmaplasty?

As with any surgical procedure, some risks are always present. Dr. Boll does her best to minimize the chances of complications, but there are never any guarantees.

Side effects of neck lift surgery may include:

  • Undesirable scarring
  • Infection
  • Allergic reaction to anesthesia
  • Mild to moderate nerve damage