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Breast Augmentation
in Phoenix, AZ

Prominent, sensuous breasts are considered ideal, and many women strive to attain them. Sometimes women lose breast volume due to pregnancy, but some are simply unsatisfied with their natural breast size and shape. Breast augmentation enhances the breasts for women who feel that their breasts are too small or disproportionate for their liking. Breast augmentation is currently the most popular surgical cosmetic procedure in the U.S., and hundreds of thousands of patients enjoy the positive, long-term results of this procedure every year.

What Breast Augmentation Can Enhance

Post-pregnancy Breasts

Women’s bodies undergo various changes throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is common for mothers to experience breast volume loss, which may cause the breasts to look deflated. Breast augmentation revamps shrunken post-pregnancy breasts, giving patients the voluptuous bustline they’ve always wanted.

Naturally Small Breasts

Not all women are satisfied with having naturally small breasts, especially when they are not in proportion with the rest of the body. It may be more challenging to find clothes that fit correctly when the breasts lack the desired size and projection. By choosing breast augmentation, patients can have the ample, sumptuous breasts of their dreams.

Breast Asymmetry

Most women have some degree of breast asymmetry. However, when the size difference between the breasts is significant, it can damage self-confidence and make it difficult to fit into tops comfortably. Breast augmentation creates a balance between the breasts, correcting breast asymmetry and improving their shape.

“Dr. Boll is a phenomenal doctor!

She goes above and beyond for her patients. She is a perfectionist, which is exactly what you want when looking for a plastic surgeon. I’ve been going to her for 5+ years now and highly recommend Dr. Boll. I have had several treatments and a breast augmentation.”

Implant Options

Implant Type

Silicone: Silicone implants are composed of a silicone shell filled with cohesive silicone gel. They produce the most natural-looking and natural-feeling results and are FDA approved for women over the age of 22.

Saline: Saline implants are composed of a silicone shell filled with sterile saline solution. These cost-efficient implants are ideal for creating a more prominent breast projection and are FDA approved for women over the age of 18.

Implant Qualities


  • Anatomical: Also known as “gummy bear” implants, these are composed of a silicone shell filled with highly cohesive silicone. They are designed to mimic the teardrop shape of natural breasts.
  • Round: These implants are the most common choice for most breast augmentation patients. They are softer than anatomical implants and are offered in both silicone and saline form.
  • Mentor® MemoryGel® Xtra: These implants have a soft, natural feel with more projection and fullness.


  • Smooth: Smooth implants tend to last longer than textured implants, and they have a lower chance of rippling. Because they are so prevalently used, they are more cost-efficient as well.
  • Textured: Textured implants are believed to reduce the chance of capsular contracture in breast augmentation patients. They are also less likely to rotate in the breast pocket, which is essential for anatomical implants.

Implant Placement

Subpectoral/submuscular: Subpectoral implant placement involves inserting the breast implant beneath the pectoral muscle and existing breast tissue. Patients who lack adequate breast tissue to cover the implant or who desire a smoother breast slope may be ideal candidates for subpectoral implant placement.

Subglandular: Subglandular implant placement involves inserting the breast implant under the existing breast tissue and on top of the pectoral muscle. Patients with adequate natural breast tissue may be candidates for subglandular implant placement.

Incision Location

Inframammary: An incision is created underneath the breast along the inframammary fold. This incision location allows for an optimal view of the surgical site and more accurate pocket creation.

Periareolar: An incision is created around the areola. This incision allows for an adequate view of the surgical site, but it may not be ideal for women who plan on breastfeeding in the years after breast augmentation.



Patients commonly experience some bruising, swelling, and discomfort after surgery. It may be advised to wear a compression garment to manage swelling and keep the breast implants in place during healing. It is important to walk as soon as possible to avoid blood clots. Patients may resume work and most normal activities within one week, but vigorous exercise is limited for three weeks.


Dr. Boll carefully places breast augmentation incisions in discreet locations so they may be hidden by clothing. However, any scarring that results from breast augmentation tends to fade over time.


The cost of breast augmentation depends on several factors including surgical fees, facility fees, geographical location, and type of implants used. Dr. Boll will give you an accurate price estimate during your personal breast augmentation consultation.


Most patients experience the most post-op pain during the first 48 hours following surgery, but it should dissipate over the next few days. Any discomfort can be managed with medication prescribed by Dr. Boll.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the risks associated with breast augmentation?

Severe complications from breast augmentation are uncommon. The possible risks may include:

  • Abnormal reaction to anesthesia
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Loss of sensation
  • Capsular contracture
  • Implant rupture
  • BIA-ALCL (breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma)

Can I combine breast augmentation with other procedures?

Patients who experience breast ptosis, or sagging, as well as lack of their desired volume may achieve optimal results by combining breast augmentation with a breast lift. Patients who are interested in a Mommy Makeover may want to combine breast augmentation with some other procedures.

Is it important to quit smoking before breast augmentation?

Yes, any tobacco use interferes with the healing process, which can lead to infection or unsatisfactory results. It is recommended to quit smoking at least three weeks before surgery and wait at least another three weeks after surgery to smoke again.

What is capsular contracture?

Capsular contracture is a breast augmentation complication that occurs when the scar tissue that forms around the implants thickens and tightens. The problem is primarily due to too much scar tissue forming and is not a problem with the implant itself. The thickened scar tissue capsule may constrict one or both implants, giving them a distorted appearance and hard sensation.

What is BIA-ALCL?

BIA-ALCL (breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma) is a rare and highly treatable form of lymphoma that may occur in patients who have breast implants. The FDA discovered a possible link between implants and BIA-ALCL, and most cases reported were in patients who chose textured implants. If you notice any changes to your breast implants, schedule an appointment with your doctor to have them examined.

How will I know if my implants have ruptured?

When saline implants rupture, it is immediately noticeable. The sterile saline solution is absorbed safely by the body, and the silicone shell becomes deflated. When silicone implants rupture, there is no leakage due to the use of cohesive silicone gel filler, and an MRI may be needed to detect the rupture. If your breasts have experienced any trauma, schedule an appointment with your surgeon to have them examined.

Want to Learn More About Breast Augmentation in Phoenix, AZ?

To learn more about breast augmentation and your options in Phoenix, AZ, call our office at (480) 833-5200 or fill out our online contact form today to schedule your consultation.

Kind Words From Our Patients

“Thank you all for your professional compassion and kindness while I was your patient. I feel good and appreciate all that you all have done for me. You are the best!”

“I could not have asked for better care. Dr.Boll, along with her staff, are the consummate professionals. I made a consultation appointment with Dr. Boll to discuss a facelift. She discussed, in depth, every aspect of the procedure including what I could expect for an outcome. Her kindness and compassion are genuine. Her knowledge unparalleled. I left that consultation knowing I had made the right decision.”

“Post- surgery attention was outstanding, I felt completely comfortable in Dr. Boll’s care; and I am 68, never having surgery before.”

Contact Us

A $100 consultation fee is payable when making a consultation and does apply to the cost of surgery. If the appointment is canceled or no-showed this fee is non-refundable. Dr. Boll spends about an hour with each patient discussing the procedure(s). The consult fee will be applied to the cost of surgery when surgery is scheduled.  

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