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Abdominoplasty in Phoenix, AZ

Most men and women strive to achieve a firm and slender midsection that complements their figure. Pregnancy, extreme weight loss, and aging often lead to sagging or excess abdominal skin, weakened rectus muscles, and stubborn fat deposits. Some individuals can get the results they desire through dedicated exercise and strict dieting, but at-home methods do not work for everyone. Pregnancy or large weight gain can cause the abdominal muscles to separate, which leads to central abdomen protuberance (a stomach that sticks out) despite regular exercise. Abdominoplasty, commonly known as tummy tuck surgery, targets these abdominal imperfections to improve the appearance of the midsection and restore a patient’s youthful body contours from the inside out.

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What Tummy Tuck Surgery Can Achieve

Fit woman sitting on the floor

Tummy Tuck Options

Patients who have substantial abdominal skin laxity and weakened rectus muscles can benefit most from choosing the conventional approach to tummy tuck surgery. A traditional tummy tuck involves creating a hip-to-hip incision along the bikini line in addition to a circumferential incision around the navel. With this surgery, all of the loose skin below the belly button is removed, fat is liposuctioned from the sides, and the rectus muscles are tightened.
Patients who have abdominal skin laxity and bulging below the navel may qualify for a mini tummy tuck. A mini tummy tuck is less invasive than a traditional tummy tuck in that it requires a smaller incision and less tissue excision. This option is less common but works well for some people who are very thin or haven’t had kids. Less skin is removed, and the recovery is usually quicker.

Liposuction: Liposuction is a procedure designed to remove localized, stubborn pockets of unwanted fat from target areas of the body. This procedure is commonly performed in conjunction with tummy tuck surgery to produce optimal results. Liposuction can be performed to the back, sides, and inner and outer thighs. Only very limited liposuction can be performed to the central abdominal area at the same time as a tummy tuck.

Mommy Makeover: Many patients with compound cosmetic concerns such as deflated, sagging breasts and abdominal laxity can benefit from combining procedures. A Mommy Makeover can include breast augmentation, breast lift, liposuction, and tummy tuck to provide a patient with comprehensive enhancement.



Patients commonly experience some bruising, swelling, and discomfort after surgery. It is important to walk as soon as possible to avoid blood clots. A compression hose must be worn for one week after surgery, and a compression girdle must be worn for six weeks to manage swelling. Patients may resume work and some activities within two to three weeks but must avoid vigorous exercise for six weeks.


Dr. Boll carefully places tummy tuck incisions in discreet locations so they may be hidden by clothing. However, any scarring that results from tummy tuck surgery tends to fade over time.


The cost of tummy tuck surgery depends on several factors including surgical fees, facility fees, geographical location, and surgical technique. We will give you an accurate price estimate during your personal tummy tuck consultation.


Most patients experience the most post-op pain during the first 48 to 72 hours following surgery, but it should dissipate over the next few days. Any discomfort can be managed with medication prescribed by Dr. Boll.

"Dr. Boll, you have changed my life!

Thank you! You have a gift. My spirits have been lifted because of your talent. I want to also thank your staff for their kindness and professionalism. You have created a very welcoming office."
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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the risks associated with tummy tuck surgery?

Severe complications from tummy tuck surgery are uncommon. The possible risks may include:

  • Abnormal reaction to anesthesia
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Loss of sensation
  • Hematoma
  • Scarring
  • Complications healing

How long will my tummy tuck results last?

Tummy tuck results are considered to be permanent as long as you have no pregnancies or drastic weight fluctuations after the procedure. Adopting a healthy lifestyle and waiting until after you no longer plan on having more children will help you maintain the effects of your tummy tuck surgery.

Is it important to quit smoking before tummy tuck surgery?

Yes; any tobacco use interferes with the healing process, which can lead to infection, poor healing, or unsatisfactory results. It is recommended to quit smoking at least six weeks before surgery and wait at least another three weeks after surgery to smoke again if you cannot quit altogether.

Will a tummy tuck correct loose skin and fat around my thighs and buttocks?

A tummy tuck only targets loose skin in the abdominal area. Patients who experience substantial skin laxity due to significant weight loss may want to consider body lift surgery. This procedure addresses folds of excess skin and fat in the abdomen, outer thighs, and buttocks.

When will I see the full results of my tummy tuck?

There will be a noticeable difference immediately following surgery, but it can take between three and six months for any residual swelling to subside. At that point, you will see the full effects of your tummy tuck surgery.