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Thigh Lift in Phoenix, AZ

Many men and women attempt to sculpt and tone their body contour through diet and exercise. While these practices are important for a healthy lifestyle and effective for fat reduction, they cannot do much for excess, sagging skin.

Loose skin can develop anywhere on the body, but it is often common on the inner thighs. Excess skin distorts the aesthetic contour of the legs and results in uncomfortable skin irritations.

Thigh lift surgery contours the inner thighs by removing excess skin and unwanted fat.




What Can a Thigh Lift Achieve?

woman in white sitting on the floor

Thigh Lift Procedure

Thigh lift surgery always begins with liposuction of the inner and outer thighs. This reduces the circumference of the leg and helps minimize rubbing of the thighs. Small incisions are made in the treatment area through which excess fat is suctioned out with the assistance of thin, hollow tubes. The fat that is removed with liposuction is gone for good.
Thigh lift incisions begin at the groin and continue down the medial (inside) thigh on both legs. This incision placement allows for easier concealment of the resulting scar. The length of the incisions will vary depending on the extent of skin that needs to be removed. Through these incisions, the inner tissue is tightened and anchored to the pubic bone. Loose skin is trimmed away, and the remaining skin is closed and sutured.
Thigh lift surgery addresses loose skin on the inner thighs. Patients who experience skin laxity on the outer thigh may benefit from an outer thigh lift or a body lift. A body lift addresses loose skin around the circumference of the abdomen, including the outer thighs. This technique is often appropriate for men and women who have experienced significant weight loss. Additionally, liposuction can be performed on the surrounding areas such as the abdomen, flanks, buttocks, or back. Tummy tuck surgery can be combined for patients who experience skin or muscle laxity on the abdomen.



Your thigh lift is an outpatient surgery, and you can return home within a few hours of your procedure. You will need to have someone drive you home and stay with you for one to two days to help with household chores.

Recovery for your thigh lift usually takes between two and four weeks. Most patients return to work within two weeks, but you must refrain from physical exertion for at least four weeks to allow your thighs to heal.


Thigh lift scars are typically hidden in the groin crease; however, some patients require more extensive incisions that run down the length of the inner thigh. The extent of your scar will depend on the amount of skin that was removed.

All scars fade with time, but you can help reduce the visibility of your scars by staying out of the sun, applying scar creams or silicone strips, and taking plenty of time to rest and recover.


The cost of your thigh lift is a reflection of your surgeon and the specifications of your procedure.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the average cost for thigh lift surgery is $5,317. This estimate covers the surgeon’s fees and will vary significantly depending on the anesthesia fees, facility fees, geographical locations, pre-surgical tests, and post-surgical dressings.

Dr. Boll will provide you with an accurate cost estimate during your consultation. As thigh lift surgery is cosmetic, insurance will not cover the cost of your procedure. Dr. Boll offers different financing options to help you with your cosmetic treatment.


Thigh lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia with the assistance of an anesthesiologist who will monitor your vitals throughout your operation. This anesthesia will prevent any pain during or immediately following your procedure.

Bruising and swelling will develop in the days following your thigh lift and will be the worst during the first 48 to 72 hours. Compression garments will be wrapped around your thighs to reduce swelling and promote circulation. Walking is also beneficial for swelling reduction and pain management.

Dr. Boll will provide you with a prescription for pain medication to alleviate any discomfort, and most patients choose to switch to over-the-counter medicines after a few days.

"Dr. Boll is a phenomenal doctor!

"I had a wonderful experience with Dr. Boll! She was very kind, patient, reassuring and knowledgeable. I couldn’t be happier with my procedure and results and I’d highly recommend her to anyone."

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a candidate for a thigh lift?

Thigh lift surgery is performed for men and women hoping to tighten the skin and reduce the circumference of their thighs. Candidates for this procedure do not smoke, are generally healthy, do not have any previous medical conditions that could impair their healing, and have realistic expectations of their results.

Will I need a thigh lift if I lose weight?

Losing weight—especially a significant amount of weight—puts you at risk of developing excess skin because the skin does not shrink in the same way as fat cells.

The extent of your skin elasticity will depend on several factors, including your genetics, age, health, and amount of fat loss. Patients with significant laxity would benefit from a thigh lift.

Are there any long-term risks associated with thigh lift surgery?

The thigh lift is an invasive surgical procedure. Therefore, there are risks and complications associated with this technique, such as:

  • Harmful reactions to the anesthesia
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Swelling
  • Blood clots
  • Hematoma
  • Fat necrosis
  • Prolonged wound healing

Aesthetic complications include:

  • Unfavorable scarring
  • Asymmetry

You can reduce your risk of experiencing these complications by not smoking and by following all of Dr. Boll’s recommendations both before and after the surgery.

Can liposuction alone replace the need for a thigh lift?

Liposuction can remove excess pockets of fat on the inner and outer thigh. While liposuction is an essential part of a thigh lift, it cannot replace a thigh lift. This is because liposuction does not address excess skin. Patients with any amount of skin laxity would need and benefit more from thigh lift surgery.

Will my thigh lift results be permanent?

The results of your thigh lift will be long lasting. Still, they are not permanent because the surgery will not prevent you from gaining weight or experiencing age-related skin laxity. To maintain your results, you should adhere to a healthy lifestyle and maintain a stable weight.